When buying a whistle, there is a lot to consider. Here are a few tips to make your purchase decision a little easier.
Here you’ll find great prices on a wide range of different whistles:
It should be in a high D mood
The traditional and most popular mood for Irish folk is the High D mood. For starters, you should buy a tin whistle in high D mood.
Start with a beginner set
Perfect for beginners is a budget beginner’s set. Here is just about everything you need for easy entry: A good Tin Whistle, a booklet and a CD.
The Low D Whistle has it all – beginners should be careful
Especially when buying a Low-D Whistle (length about 58 cm), you should realize that these instruments are twice as big as the Tin Whistles in High D tuning.
It takes some practice and patience with the Low D Whistles to enjoy the first game sequence.
Low G and low F whistles are a good compromise
If you do not want to do without a low as a beginner, you should choose a Low Whistle in F or G tuning (about 42 cm or 38 cm long). These instruments also have a deep sonorous sound, but the hole spacing is much narrower than the Low D Whistles, as the instruments are a bit smaller. They are therefore much more comfortable for beginners.
And last but not least: the sound makes the music
Everything depends on your personal taste regarding the sound and handling of the Tin Whistle. The tonal range is very diverse at Tin Whistles. Choose the instrument whose sound fascinates you personally.
Here you can learn more If you ask your self – what is the best penny whistle?